Types of accreditation

We can distinguish between several types of accreditation. The first division comes from the form of institution which would like to be accredited.

Academic accreditation

This type of accreditation is appropriate form to the legitimate educational associtations, business schools, universities, colleges, private schools and any other certificated educational organisation which grants degrees

Corporate accreditation

This type of accreditation is suitable for any organisation concerned or interested in education like developement centres, trainning organisations, employers´ associations, consultancy agencies or chambers of commerce and so on.

From a different point of view, there are two types of accreditation established on the scope and range of the subject of acrreditation. This division involves Institutional or Programme accreditation.

Institutional accreditation

Institutional accreditation is an overall review of the entire university, and is typically done by a country’s national or regional accrediting. These national agencies perform a review of the entire university, from its operating budgets to its student services.

Depending on where the university is located, it must be approved by one of these agencies in order to grant degrees and be considered legitimate in the country in which it operates. In most cases, institutional accreditation must be maintained, requiring a school to be reviewed every few years.

Programme accreditation

Programme accreditation means, that only certain part of organisation or school is acrredited – in other way only certain educational programs are confirmed by accreditation as a international quality programs.