
Accreditation means both a process and a status. It is a process, in which educational quality of an institution or a programme is being appreciated. As a result of a successful review the award of “accredited status” is granted.

Accreditation is a formal, independent verification that a program or institution meets established quality standards and is competent to carry out specific conformity assessment tasks. Conformity assessment tasks may include, but are not limited to, testing, inspection, or certification.

Accreditation is given after the evaluation of services and programmes an institution pursues by an external body. This value proposition demonstrates that the adequate standards are met and thereby the institution is credible, has competency and authority to provide a high quality education.

If an organisation meets the required standards, the European Association for Business Studies as an independent external body issues the accreditation. Only highest calibre programmes achieve our accreditation award.

It is important to stress, that the accreditation act is a voluntary process based on non-governmental and external rewiew of the ability of schools and educational institutions to provide quality learning programs. It is very usefull for all participants, because it allows students to select really good schools providing high-quality educational programs, ensures them the access to the best learning materials, provides them with information and allows to schools and organisations to cooperate in their further improvement of services provided.